Finally: A Poem by Khym Carmichael

Finally: A Poem by Khym Carmichael

First an instance from my lips

Then through nimble fingertips

A poem I write to sum it up

For you and me

Yes, I linger too.

Upon these keys

Words flow with ease

And I appease the torture that resides upon my brow.

This torture of which I speak

Not from a mouth weak nor torn

I relate to you, dear reader, the quest

From which I cannot wrest myself.

(If I could, these words you would not ingest)

This torture, to find that thread that lies

Behind my eyes of blue as yet untrue

That pulls my hand to yours and yours to mine in trust,

For I know you feel the tug

This quest that lies so near to my breast

Whence finally caressed

Illuminates the world with light

So bright that night would fear its turn at play.

This tug, this pull, this yearning for a tie

Not belittled by lengthy diatribe

Is the same, a name we dare not speak, lest we are spotted.

It is not revered to love without a goal.

To search and long for love

Just love, how childish, how low.

And yet,

We wait, you and I

And hope, you and I

For only this

A wisp, a kiss of lavender and orange

For lips that have bade their time in emptiness.

I lay upon your dry mouth a luscious kiss

Of truth no jury could dismiss.


It is mine to bestow, to deliver to you

Love, true love

My love, it is only that.


At last, I regress into the dress made of muslin

That hangs from my bones deeply blessed.

At last, I deliver true love

And pray you swallow

This hollow gift.

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