Category: Arts


Native American Art At Its Best

Native American Art At Its Best

Visitors to Rhode Island will have the chance until June 29th to view the first annual State Native American Art Exhibit. The show, which features work from Eastern Woodland artists, is currently on display in the Atrium Gallery, One Capitol Hill in Providence. Painter and educator Deborah Spears Moorehead, the show’s curator, was kind enough […]

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Art Outside the Mainstream and Main Street

Art Outside the Mainstream and Main Street

At some point during his years at Rhode Island School of Design, Eric Telfort was warned, “Many are called, few are chosen,” or words to that effect, by one of his teachers. Painting canvases in the 21st century doesn’t exactly come with job security, benefits and a pension. The financial demands of life after college […]

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Finally: A Poem by Khym Carmichael

Finally: A Poem by Khym Carmichael

First an instance from my lips Then through nimble fingertips A poem I write to sum it up For you and me Yes, I linger too. Upon these keys Words flow with ease And I appease the torture that resides upon my brow. This torture of which I speak Not from a mouth weak nor […]

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A Renaissance at the RISD Museum

A Renaissance at the RISD Museum

By Genette Nowak The galleries dedicated to the artistic sensibilities of the twentieth century at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (the RISD Museum) now reveal a more complete story with the modern vision of Aaron Douglas (1899-1979), told through his oil painting, the cover image for this issue, Building More Stately […]

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Bannister: The Story Behind the Name

Bannister: The Story Behind the Name

By Soren Sorensen Next time you’re out walking, look around for plaques, engraved stone or other prominent signage in and around building entrances, beneath statues or on park benches.  You’ll run across countless names, some likely familiar to you but maybe many more that are unfamiliar. College campuses are perfect for this. At Rhode Island […]

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Short Fiction Story: “Man’s Second Sin”

Short Fiction Story: “Man’s Second Sin”

by Chad Beauchemin    August 23, 2011 will mark the five-year anniversary of my son’s death, but that date too will mark the day I bring him back to life. People have said I’m crazy, and I would have to agree that it may look that way, but I’m not—not at all. Obsession towards a […]

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Poem: “Simple Sentences for the English Speaker”

José kisses his kids goodbye José meets his coyote José crosses the border  José can you see? Can you see José?  José dishwasher José landscaper José lives across from your house José is just as afraid of you as you are of him José is an onion  José can you see? Can you see José? […]

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